Stories of Home and Valour at Living Canvas marking Brigit 2023

1 Feb 2023

Challenging traditional definitions of what strength might mean, Stories of Valour and Home explores themes of shelter, safety, and support, alongside the equally powerful idea of knowing what is worth defending.

Through the eyes of ten leading women artists, this special Brigit 2023 programme at Living Canvas offers food for thought through the lens of a series of extraordinary artworks.

Living Canvas will present works by Joy Gerrard, Anita Groener, Myfanwy Frost Jones and Carol Freeman, extracts from The Poetry Project showcasing artwork by Grace Weir, Clea van der Grijn, Susan Tiger, Anne Ffrench, Poppy Hunt and Kate Gordon, and works responding to poetry by Enda Wylie, Vona Groarke, Ailbhe Ní Ghearbhuigh, Derek Mahon, Iggy McGovern and Theo Dorgan.

The largest outdoor screen solely dedicated to art in Europe, and only the second of its kind in the world, Living Canvas is a cultural initiative by IPUT, which establishes new ways of exhibiting artworks in large scale in a truly accessible, free and democratic way at Wilton Park. Established in November 2021, Living Canvas has become a destination in Dublin for cutting edge and community digital culture on the banks of the Grand Canal.